Chiesa del Convento di Santa Maria delle Grazie-Casterno


Around the year 1000 the Benedictine monks founded at Casterno, on a hill overlooking the valley, the monastery of "S.Ambrogio ad nemus" i.e. the wood with the annexed church of Santa Maria and San Martino of Casterno. The church of Santa Maria was of very ancient origins; it was more times rebuilt and sacked and some remains can still be seen at the entrance of the hamlet of Carpenzago.

The church of San Martino, instead, collapsed without leaving any track. According to oral tradition it stood perhaps where today we find the Church of the Carmine called "Gesa del boia" i.e. the church of the devil, because it contains a statue of Saint Bernard with a black little demon bound to the chain.

The goods of the monastery passed in the XV century to the nobles Pietrasanta and after to the “Padri Carmelitani scalzi” of the Congregation of Mantua, who rebuilt the present temple in 1671. These friars did not always behave well, but remained in possession of the monastery until 1780, the year in which this was suppressed by order of Joseph II emperor of Austria and the buildings, now profaned, became property of the peasant families of the place.

The stable is now a mere wreck and just the facade has been preserved.

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