Church of Saint Maria della Rosa


The church of Saint Maria della Rosa or delle Grazie al Lazzaretto is located near the city cemetery, outside the ancient boundaries of the town. It was probably erected after the plague of 1630. Originally it was dedicated to San Sigismondo.

In 1792 when the oratory of Santa Maria delle Grazie at the bridge on the Naviglio was suppressed (now home Fasana) the altar and the painting were transported and placed in the Chapel of the Lazzaretto that from then on was dedicated to Santa Maria delle Grazie.

The fresco depicts the Blessed Virgin with a rose in a hand and the Baby Jesus in her arms , at her sides the Saints Carlo Borromeo and Francesco of Assisi. Once, for its particular location , the church was the favourite place for the celebration of the funeral rites of the community of Robecco, a custom that however has gradually become less frequent.

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